August 11, 2007

» Are we happy plastic people?

I have started to run. I'm so sore though. I get tired so fast. I realize that I am not in the 7th grade track team anymore... but it's just so hard now to lose those extra pounds. Really, I'm not fat.. My brother, Abraham, may say that I am, but I don't think so. I guess just a little bit. Hehe. Weight. It's an issue. We are so pressured by the "health factor", yes. But mainly, by the media and what people may think. I was reading my GQ last time and they told me that if I want to look good, I have to lose some weight. As a kid, I could pull it off. But now, it's a different story.

Why can't we just be normal people and let our bodies be the temple of the Holy Ghost? I mean we say it is, but why do we take it to the extent of becoming this bony anorexic generation?

→Why do we have to look good for everybody? That will stress you out, I tell you. I recommend we put our bodies in shape, yes. But be mindful, that if you have a "good" body, you still have many imperfections. Ah, maybe that's why.

You think that:

→If you look good on the outside, you will also look good on the inside...
That's what you think.
Let's stop fooling people and mainly ourselves. Let's be real.
Dealing with imperfections with your body, your family and yourself, the lyrics to a "Casting Crown " song comes to my mind. I leave you with those lyrics. They spoke to me. I hope they will speak to you. Let's change.

"Stained Glass Masquerade"
By: Casting Crowns

Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small

Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they'll soon discover
That I don't belong

So I tuck it all away, like everything's okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I'll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them

Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade

Is there anyone who's been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who's traded
In the altar for a stage

The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart

But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be

Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay

Why are people so pressured to look perfect? In your opinion.

August 10, 2007

» Lessons from Barbie & Ken

You don't have to be perfect.
The only perfect people are plastic people.

The main idea that Four Corners Church ( used these pics were to relate that perfect people wer not allowed in churches. Their purpose was that:

"...So-called perfect images barrage us everyday but
it leaves us empty and disillusioned..."

Let me add by saying:
Churches are for imperfect people. People that don't have it together. People that don't have the perfect family, or the perfect situation.

→ Have You ever been expected to be Perfect?
Yes, just because we serve a Perfect God, people seem to think that we should be perfect as well. And when it hurst and you cry, people ask the same question they asked David.
Psalm 42:3

"My tears have been my food
day and night,
while men say to me all day long,
"Where is your God?"

"Tony, I thought you had it all figured out, what hapenned?"
"Brother Tony, I knew it was not going to work."
"Hey bro, where is God when you need Him?"

→ Do People expect your Family to be Perfect?
You guys that have only one sibling, you'll have it easy... I have 2 parents, 1 brother, and 2 sisters... Now, tell me, what are the chances of us failing more than yours? Haha... just kidding. But for real, it does not matter how many family members you have... people still want you to be perfect.

Allow me to speak from my heart... I know what it is like and I will not hide.

I remember when my father failed. The strong one. The head of the household. I won't go into detail here and this is not to single him out. I am his son and I love him. But I remember the people. Separation. No telephone calls now. Once a great usher in the church, now an outcast. Once a tremendous small group leader, now a reject in people's eyes. Once "perfect", now with weaknesses. (And remember this was in church!).

People raised an eyebrow at us... People whispered... because my father had shown them a patch of dark brown dying grass in his field of green grass... One mistake can change the perspective of people.

Can you relate to this? Can you stop hiding and be set free by speaking about your weaknesses?

These are the scriptures that helped me and they will help you too.
2 Corinthians 12:9

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ's power may rest on me."

This one is good too.
2 Corinthians 12:10

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses,
in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong."

Tomorrow, I will talk about another area where most of the people try to be perfect. It may amuse you... so check it out.

What have you been battling with? What are your imperfectioons. Don't be too specific, though.


No really, is it Money. Temptation. Emotions. Relationships... Whatever.

I know you are reading this. I know you clicked the link that brought you to this site. I invite you to participate. Please share.

Dont hide. Change.

Be set free.

August 9, 2007

» Can I tell you how I feel?

I'm tired... You wanna know why?

Well, have you ever had one of those days when you don't do anything and you finish getting tired? Yep, it was one of those days.
I mean, can I confess and tell you exactly how I feel?
Can I tell you what I struggle with?
Can I share my frustrations and weaknesses with you?

Or, will you look at me with a sneer and judge me, and then go tell everybody what I confided and trusted you with.

Maybe that's why pepole don't want to hear you when you talk about Christianity, "brother." (or "sister").

Have you ever been expected to be perfect?

You know? You believe in God... Everything should be good, now... Bills will be paid on time, now... I will always have a good attitude, now... I will never do anything wrong, now. You know?
I believe in God, so I will never judge you, now... I will not cry when it hurts, now... I will shout "Victory" when I know that I feel like a loser, now. I will never have a flat tire, now... and I will never have an overdraft fee, now...

Well, tomorrow I will write a little more on that subject

Ok, Ok. I have to get some rest... but go to sleep with this revelation...

You don't have to be perfect. The only perfect people are plastic people.

Think about that. You'll know why tomorrow.

August 7, 2007

» "This is your Home?" Really?

Oh My God! (is that OMG?!)

It's unbelievable how religious church people still think. If you don't know yet, I recently moved from Centro Amistad Cristiano to Church of Champions. And in the transition of moving churches, I visited a couple of churches during that time. I was shocked to see the response of the people when I visited their churches. Everybody, and I mean, absolutely everybody that I would talk to would nod their heads, rub my back, and say, "This is your home."At first, I thought it was touching, but after dozens of people telling me that their church was my home... I started to frown.

Why is it that church people do that? It's a kind gesture, yes. Don't get me wrong. But I believe that these people have been trained that everybody and their mom... dad, sister and brother should go to their church. They are so proud of their church. Their church is the only one that has the truth... their church has the best ministry... on and on and on. I thought the same way. I thought that everybody should come to my church. This mentality that "if you don't come to my church, then you are not in the will of God." You know what that causes: DISUNITY! That's why churches, in my area, are so divided. Because they are the best, they say. I thought the same way. But after some humbling experiences, I found out that some people will not and are not meant to be in one particular church.

Whoa! What a revelation! Hey, if somebody in your church cannot receive, give them a list of 5 other churches that they can go to... just so they won't be lost. Just because they don't go to your church does not mean they are not saved (Oh man, I'm stepping on some toes. I will stop).

I mean, I would love for you to come to my church. But, if you can't understand the message well in my church, then go to another church (one that has the truth, of course). If you can't get used to my gospel worship and prefer Contemporary worship, then go to another church (that was just an example). I don't mind. I just need you to be saved and be serving somewhere.

(Oh, for the record, I love Fred Hammond's music as much as I love Chris Tomlin's. And also, Jesus Adrian Romero).

So for the visitors that will show up to your church this Sunday, don't just tell them, "This is your home." As a matter of fact, don't tell them nothing at all. You know what you should do? Here are a couple of suggestions:
-Take them out to Chili's.
-Take them to go see Rush Hour 3...
-Become their friend in Myspace.
-Take them to Starbucks.
-Show them the love of Jesus.

I believe that a church should be a home. I believe that we are a family! But, I dislike the attitude of one church being the best church. Strive to be in a church that sets the example of a true apostolic church, not a church that appears to be the best but has so many inperfections on the inside.

What do you have to say?

August 6, 2007

» Iglesia de Campeones

Oh, Im so excited!

After today's church service, we went to China Bear (Chinese buffet), to get some grub. It's so good! I love it! Anyways, we were there with a group of people from church... and everybody is in expectancy! I just cannot wait.
Church of Champions has been announcing that they will be starting a Spanish service led by Pastor Rios Sr. and I am thrilled! They will start on September 9, 2007 at 2:00 PM. and I really want to be a part of it!
It just makes you want to volunteer in anything! I have so much hope, again. and I am feeling good. New direction is coming! It's here!
Today in service, while we were worshipping, I asked God for a breakthrough... you know which ones I'm taliking about, and God just filled me with His presence. Those times are the best. Where you feel the liberty to raise your hands so high and not worry about a thing. Where you're so lost in God that His joy just fills you. It is amazing!

Anyways, I'll keep you posted to what is about to come! Get ready, Get ready, Get ready, Get ready!!!! Hahaha!

August 5, 2007

» Comfort Zones

Why stay in one? I was thinking about this topic when my brother was telling me about a guy that he works with. This man, I don't know his name, has worked with the same company for more than 45 years. 45 years! Imagine that. That's wonderful!. Isn't that amazing? I mean, think about it... Imagine how stable he is! He has a secure job. He has a steady income. Nobody messes with his paycheck on Friday... He has been working there for almost half a century! That's all good. Until my bro. told me something that shocked me enough to write this. He told me "...and the guy is still a "laborer"." What!? A "laborer"!? According to my bro, a "laborer" is the first position on the ladder of success at my bro's job. You can advance. Get certified... Become a tech... Become a crew chief... but this man has been a laborer for more than 45 years! I don't know the man and I don't know his reasons... it doesn't really matter.

It just brings the memory of "laborers" working in the "field"
"Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
-Matthew 9:38

I want to be a laborer. I believe that all who preach, sing, teach, pray, fast and witness Jesus are all laborers. I have a desire to work in the field. But I also don't want to stay in that level.

I also want to move to the next phase. That is to PRAY to God to send out more LABORERS... and when they come, they also move to the next phase... and they also PRAY for more to come.
Don't stay stuck! Don't just be a worker. Be a mediator for others to come into the field to work. Be a facilitator in your prayers for others to come and work in the field effectively.

Don't stay in that comfort zone of just WORKING . Graduate. Elevate. Go to the next phase of a real Christian. The level of a prayer warrior that sends out other laborers into the field.

Don't stay in your comfort zone, please, I pray to God you don't.

Have you ever been trapped in a comfort zone? Can you share your experience?