August 5, 2007

» Comfort Zones

Why stay in one? I was thinking about this topic when my brother was telling me about a guy that he works with. This man, I don't know his name, has worked with the same company for more than 45 years. 45 years! Imagine that. That's wonderful!. Isn't that amazing? I mean, think about it... Imagine how stable he is! He has a secure job. He has a steady income. Nobody messes with his paycheck on Friday... He has been working there for almost half a century! That's all good. Until my bro. told me something that shocked me enough to write this. He told me "...and the guy is still a "laborer"." What!? A "laborer"!? According to my bro, a "laborer" is the first position on the ladder of success at my bro's job. You can advance. Get certified... Become a tech... Become a crew chief... but this man has been a laborer for more than 45 years! I don't know the man and I don't know his reasons... it doesn't really matter.

It just brings the memory of "laborers" working in the "field"
"Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
-Matthew 9:38

I want to be a laborer. I believe that all who preach, sing, teach, pray, fast and witness Jesus are all laborers. I have a desire to work in the field. But I also don't want to stay in that level.

I also want to move to the next phase. That is to PRAY to God to send out more LABORERS... and when they come, they also move to the next phase... and they also PRAY for more to come.
Don't stay stuck! Don't just be a worker. Be a mediator for others to come into the field to work. Be a facilitator in your prayers for others to come and work in the field effectively.

Don't stay in that comfort zone of just WORKING . Graduate. Elevate. Go to the next phase of a real Christian. The level of a prayer warrior that sends out other laborers into the field.

Don't stay in your comfort zone, please, I pray to God you don't.

Have you ever been trapped in a comfort zone? Can you share your experience?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


keep it up man
i like it!

pretty good