February 9, 2008

Real Deliverance!

I used to hear that a lot when I was a child.
"Liberacion!" the hispanic preacher would shout at the top of his lungs.

It was crazy! Just imagine this... 500 people at church... As soon as the preacher would shout, they would jump like Jordan, and run all over the church. You remember that? I know you do. I remember it being a huge temple.

OH WOW! I got a flashback!
Allow me to share it with you. I am not poking fun... these are just good memories. Hehe.

I remember once when I was a kid, all of my friends used to huddle around the altar (in front of the stage at Church). It would be like 20 of us.
As soon as the music started going, and the ladies would start dancing (in the spirit), my friends would shoot out like rockets and run all over the church...
I was kind of emabarrased (or maybe I was backsliding. Hehe), so I only did it once or twice. I guess I was always scared that I would trip and all my friends would trample me!
Abraham, my brother, did it many times. (He was more spiritual than me. Hehe). You can ask him. He will laugh when he remembers. I'm laughing now. Too funny.

Now that I think about it, I remember one time.
Reminisce with me... 20 kids (ages 9-12), in a huddle jumping to the music. Instead of lifting up thier hands in worship to Jesus, they would get so agitated that they would elbow each other and soon start a fight. Picture all that adrenaline flowing. I know some of those guys came out with black eyes and bruises before the preacher would even start his message. I know this, because many of those were my friends. Hehe.
Ahh! Goodtimes. Goodtimes.

Deliverance has taken a new meaning for me. The excitement of being delivered is just an emotion. You cry... or shout... or maybe you meditate, because you have had the understanding that you can be delivered... You now understand that Jesus can and will deliver you. That is an awesome emotion!
You may show it and express it in different ways.

I believe deliverance does not happen when you get emotional.
Deliverance happens when the flow of blood stops for the lady that had a discharge of blood for 12 years. (Mark 5)
Delieverace happens when the guy at the gate called Beautiful starts to walk (Acts 3)
Deliverance happens when Bartimaeus can now see, knowing that before Jesus came... he was blind. (Mark 10)

Deliverance happens when Jesus has done the work in you.

I leave you with this.
Emotions are OK. It's part of the human being.
But don't get so wrapped up in your mentality as to think that you can force God to deliver you.

You might be very dead, Lazarus, that you do not have emotions to show the people around you. But, I tell you this, Jesus will do a work in you. You will come out hopping out of your grave just because Jesus has to get all the glory.
No emotions. But real deliverace.
That's what I want.
I sometimes get emotional. I sometimes don't.

But I pray that you don't judge me when I don't.
Let Jesus stop the blood from flowing.
Let Jesus heal the lame.
Let Jesus give sight to the blind.
Let Jesus raise from the dead.

Real deliverance.

February 4, 2008

»Hope for a Religious city.

Today I met a lawyer.

I was at Starbucks today reading Ed Stetzer's "Planting Missional Churches." It is such a good read on church planting. While reading the book, I saw this well dressed guy, maybe in his late 30s early 40s, sit in the table in front of me. He took out a bible and a book.

I glanced every so often and saw him highlighting and writing in his bible. So, I decided to get to know him a bit. What? I'm kind of friendly... I said "kind of." Hehe.

It turns out that he was not a pastor or a "minister" at a church. He was a lawyer and was on his break... reading the bible. It totally gave me hope. Seriously, this guy has a carreer and is reading the bible... not only reading, but studying the Bible!
Who does that in their lunch hour?

I felt like the prophet Elijah when he cried out, almost giving up, thinking that he was the only one that was left of the prophets. Hehe. God told Elijah not to worry, He had 700 other prophets that had not bowed to the false god Baal. Wow!
It was a good conversation. He helps kids in foster homes. He takes them in and cares for them with his wife. He has 4 children right now. He shared his heart with me for children in foster homes. Awesome. I love to meet people that are doing and attempting to do something for the community.
We talked about church planting...
-How we need to have a church that transforms the community and not only meets on Sundays.
-How we need a church that transform people's lives and not only puts a good show on Sundays.

The conversation gave me hope!
In a city where Religiosity rules over people's lives... there is an army of people that want to step outside of the box and let Jesus have His way.

I know there are many people like that in this city (Houston), I wish I could get to know you.
Whether you be a lawyer or a kid that wants to plant a church.
Comment me, email me, call me.
Let's get some hot white chocolate mochas.