August 15, 2008

Gessner Rd.

I love driving through Gessner Rd in the Spring Branch area of Houston, Tx. It's hectic going through that street. But I tell you, you can smell the need for Christ in that community.

Let me take you on a cruise.
As soon as you get off the I-10 and see Memorial City Mall, you just take Gessner all the way. You encounter Long Point Rd. If you turn to the right and follow Long Point for a couple of miles you will see that there are a lot of hispanics that need Jesus here.

I'll bring you back to Gessner. You keep driving on Gessner and pass neighborhood after neighborhood until you reach Hammerly Blvd.
On your left hand side you will see Spring Woods High School. The High School that I graduated from. Go Tigers!

If you keep driving on Gessner you will get to Kempwood. Here is where the demographics change. There are neighborhoods on these streets if you turn left or right. On Kempwood... On Clay all the way until you reach 290. That is where you stop and go back down on Gessner and pray that God will start a work in this area until you get to I-10 once again. Redo that all over again.

I'll take you into the neighborhoods of Spring Shadows, the ones on Blalock St., and on Bingle another day.
I noticed that there are a lot of churches on Gessner Rd not counting the ones that are all over Spring Branch. There are about 5 churches that have their own building and seat around 250-350 people each Sunday just on Gessner Rd.

There are many churchplanters that will not start a church here bcause of the overpopulation of churches, and I understand.

Here is the problem.
On any given day of the week, there is no BUZZ... there are no COMMUNITY EVENTS... there are no SIGNS that there is a church that cares for the people that live around them.

What is the purpose of the church?
To seat lots of people in a service for 2 hours on a Sunday?!
No way, man!!
We need a church that is more concerned of the SENDING capacity than the SEATING capacity.
That's where new vision comes in and let's Jesus transform that situation.

Whats the point of this post?
One of these days there will be a church in the Spring Branch area of Houston that exists: To be biblical and relevant to the culture, bringing the people to JesusChrist and sending them out to bring others.

Still gotta work on that Purpose Statement. Hehe.
Pray for me.

August 11, 2008

Special Petition.

Back in the day.. back, back in the day.. when I was a kid.. I'm not that old either, Hehe.
I remember going with my mother to laldies prayer meetings.
You remember those? No, ok.

It consisted of a bunch of ladies standing in a circle and letting their needs be known to the group so they could enter into intercessory prayer and sabotage the enemy with loud voices... You know those. Hehe.
I remember some ladies saying, "Pray for my husband because he is __fill in the blank__" Others would say, "Pray for my kids because they are..."

But there were those that when it was their turn to lay their need before the Lord, they would just say, "I have a special petition."
What just hapenned?

What is a special petition?
I never got the meaning of that, until I had a special petition of my own.
A special petition was a need or a problem or a situation that you wanted someone to pray for but did not want to tell them what it was. It was too personal. More known as a special prayer request.

Ahh, good times.
Well, Let me tell you... I got a special petition.
Anyone that reads this, when you kneel for prayer tonight or tomorrow morning, I ask that you think and pray for me.
Im not going through depression or anything like that. Hehe.
So, rejoice with me while you pray.

God will do awesome things.

And this is my meditaion of today:
"1I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. 2He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." - Psalms 40

Has God ever drawn you out?
Maybe you did not want to come out, but... He.. DREW you out! I feel a praise comin. Hehe.
He has drawn me, taken me from destruction.
He is an amazing God.

Pray for me and rejoice with me.