January 25, 2008

»3 Personal Physical Goals

The post that I have dreaded to write... but I have to. I must be disciplined. Hehe. I heard a "chubby guy" say once that fit people will have to exercise every day of their life. He, on the other hand, will fluctuate between 10 to 15 pounds for the rest of his life! That was funny! Laugh.

Anyways, the reason I have not written my physical personal goals is because when I think about jogging and exercising... and I think about my warm house. Hmmm.
Let me explain... Houston is cold and rainy right now. I know that it is not that cold.. but it's cold! Brr!

Like I've said before, my 2 sisters and my bro have been exercising at a gym. They always catch me with a kit-kat in my mouth. My little sister tries so hard to get me to go to the gym. Ehh. Hehe.

But these are my Personal Physical goals.

1). Get taller.
I seem to be looking up at people all the time. That's my thorn in the flesh, I guess.
"I wish I was a baller... I wish I was a lil' bit taller."
You don't know about that!

2). Run/jog 5 times a week.
I like running. I really do... but not now. Have I mentioned how cold it is. This weather sucks for running. I like running in hot days, where you can feel drops of sweat coming down your forehead. Yes! I can't wait for summer.

3). Eat healthier
I didn't say "eat healthy". I said, "Eat healthier". Dude, I have to have my Honey Chipotle chicken crispers at Chilis. I can't stop eating that. I'll try though.

You see why I didn't want to write this post?
These are some lame goals... but they are a challenge to me. Haha.
I don't know when I'll start.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can lose some pounds?
Can anyone share your diet with me?

January 23, 2008

»2 of the Many Reasons the Bible is True.

If you or I would have written the Bible... Hehe. What a statement. I think that we would have written it differently. I mean , come on!
-I would not have Jesus hiding from the Pharisees when they go to the synagogue to go get him!
-I would have Jesus pull out a sword from nowhere and fight off and kill all the soldiers that went to arrest him in the garden of Gethsemane.
-I would not have Jesus perform a freaking miracle, by picking up the ear of the soldier and putting it back into its place when Peter cut it off. Let that soldier bleed!
-I would have Jesus go into the city of Jerusalem on a white horse not on a stupid donkey!
-I would have Jesus jump off the cross, while he was being crucified (as one of the Roman soldiers suggested).

I would have Jesus do so many things and make him a hero that never suffers, never bleeds, never hides, never goes through embarassment and never dies!

But I cannot repaint Jesus!

If the Bible was inspired by man, we would have written a script for a Spiderman or a Fantastic 4 movie.

The Bible is a true example of unselfish writers that lived in DIFFERENT TIMES of history, NEVER KNOWING EACH OTHER. And even then, everything that is written coincides with everything else. The contradictions that you might think that are there, doing some research, you will find that they don't exist. It is so funny. My 4th. grade teacher called this concept "Context Clues."

One good friend of mine told me that you can use all the Concordances and Commentaries that you want, but the best cross-reference book that you can use for the Bible is the Bible itself. So true. I mean, you can jump from the book of Matthew and go to the book of Ruth and you will find some things that will attach together. You gotta do your research.

2 of the many reasons to believe that the Bible is true are these:
1). If the Bible had not been inspired by God, (and it had been inspired by man), Jesus would be a guy that would beat up everyone, without suffering and pain. We would have made him like that. That would be our hero!
But God wanted to come into this world and feel your pain and suffering and die for you. Amazing!

2). The writers/authors of the Bible that did not know each other were able to write truths not only based on historical facts but also truths that were TOLD by God (Moses and the 10 commandments), and inspired of God. 2 timothy 3:16 says: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness".

I believe the Bible to be the Word of God.

January 21, 2008

»My First Steak.

Today was greeeaat!
I started the day at Starbucks around 9 AM and reconnected with a guy that I consider a friend. I was so inspired by our talk... it gave me enough strength to last the whole day.
The only thing that is going to get me out of bed early on an off day has to be something to deal with Jesus.
If you want me to go play basketball... go to a movie... or just do nothing, don't wake me up. Hehe.

Let's talk about Jesus!

Well, today was so good... After meeting with my friend, I went up to my girlfriend's house. I am so proud of her. I congratulate her for reading a whole book of the Bible today. She is hot! Hehe. Can you blame me? I am so blessed. Although the book of Ruth only has 4 chapters, we enjoyed that time together.
Try pronouncing Naomi's sons... Mahlon and Chilion.
Try again.
Not even close.
Anyways, we had fun.
I love you babe.

In the evening, we went with Ruthie's dad (my future father in law. Hehe.) to Pappa's Steakhouse. I am proud got say that I had my first NEW YORK STEAK with him and Ruthie.
Oh, so good! So delicious! What an honor for me to eat a juicy steak with mashed potatoes and green beans... with a glass of wine. We finished it off with a New York style Cheesecake. Like I said... so good, so delicious!

For those who are shocked... close your mouth. I had coke.

I encourage everyone that has not had steak to: Get a girlfriend that has an awesome dad.

Im blessed. I wish I could have taken pictures of that thing.
That steak was so good!