September 15, 2007

» Preaching and Mentoring.

What a Privilege it is!

I have not taken preaching lightly... I pray to God that I never do. Ever since I was a kid, I remember writing long notes when I preached. I pray to God that He could bring things to my remembarance while I preach... but have not yet accomplished the art of preaching without notes. Hehe. I'm not that skilled. Yet. Anyways...
I love watching preachers. There are some that preach like they wish they were out fishing somewhere else and there are those that preach like if they really mean it.
I strive to be a preacher that really means it when I'm preaching.

Well, I am thankful to God... Pastor advised me that I would be preaching at Starting Point Church. I am excited. Kind of nervous as well. I have not preached in a couple of months (outside of my bathtub, I mean), but I know that God will back up His Word. In Jesus name. Please pray for me.

I love God. I love His mercy and grace. Really, I do.
There is nothing like being a sinner that has been cleansed of his sin... and when the enemy comes to tempt, I could give him all the reason for accusing me... but I also have to tell him that thanks be to God that He paid the price.
I am so humbled by what Jesus did on the cross.

He lived the life that I never could live.
He died the death that I should die.

I got a call from Pastor this yesterday afternoon. He wanted to meet me so we could talk. We met and talked... and talked... and talked... I love those sessions with him. I really take advantage of hearing every illustration, every story, every experience that he tells me. I really do. We talked about the future of Iglesia de Campeones. We talked about what I am called to do in Ministry (Be a Pastor). I really felt comfortable talking to him about it. Ah! Mentoring.... It's awesome. Well, being mentored is. You can learn so much. Just be open mided and take the experiences, successes and failures of people, so that you can be a better person (for me, a better Minister).

Mark Driscoll said:
The best mentors are the dead mentors... because they'll never disappoint you!
Haha. That's funny.

I thank God for my mentors. Dead and alive.

September 14, 2007


What a day! I loved it... After taking Ruthie out for lunch at our favorite Thai fast food place, she went home because she needs to study... a lot. Hehe. I went to Lifeway bookstore and bought me a book called "Launch: "Starting a New Church from Scratch". It's a practical book on church planting and I cannot wait to start reading it.

Sooo, I then went to CBS (College of Biblical Studies). I was a little discouraged of starting school again. I know, I know... I must go back. I have to... But I have missed 1 class lecture already... and I want the whole treatment. Hehe. So, I asked a professor that was leaving, "If it would be wise to join his class next week?" (Since I am doing late registration).

He asked me: "Why are you coming back to school?"
I said: "To get my degree."
He said: "You know, I'm all for that... I barely got my Masters this Summer, but don't come to school to get a degree. Come to school because this is where God wants you to be at this time."

AHHHHH! I wanted to scream! SO HARD! I wanted to tell him, "That's what I've been saying!!!"
But I have been led and pressured by so many people to get a degree... to get that piece of paper that will hang on my office wall (one day) with my name on it, and just be praised by self centered people that have degrees themselves. Come on, I already study by myself.


I mean... yes, I encourage people to go to school... go to college. But with the correct motivation. Go because that is what you are called to do. Go because you want to major in that career. Whatever it may be. Doctor. Nurse. Lawyer. Pastor. Counselor. Engineer. Teacher.

All I know is that a Doctor's degree pays the bills as well as the Pastor's degree.

And if you do not believe that... Get a revelation and read your bible. It says so! I'll elaborate in some other post later!

I was telling Ruthie... after I graduate with a degree from CBS, I know that I will have to defend the fact that I have a degree. Why? Because it's a degree from a Bible College. That's why.

It is legit. It is a real degree. Do not undermine it just because it's not a Business degree or and Education degree or an Engineering degree or an Architecture degree. I'm about to go off!

It is a Biblical Counseling Degree!

You better recognize!

So. I repent. I will go back to my regenerated mentality. I will go back to school because that is where God wants me to be... the degree is second. (I just need to finish. Hehe).

September 10, 2007


Someone said that they had been waiting for this service for about 3 years... Wow! what a statement. Hehe.

Well, it's here! Iglesia de Campeones has blasted off in the Northwest area of Houston this past Sunday!

Wow. We give God the glory. There were no mail-outs... no yard signs... no kind of publicity. It was all about word of mouth invitations. Also some bulletins that I posted on myspace. Haha! But nevertheless, the people came. There were a couple of pastors there. 1 of them was from out of the state (I think Colorado). There were people from all over... and I was glad to see them. I was also happy to see my future mom in law. Hehe.

Although all these people will not come next week, I feel that the people that were there needed to hear the message.
Pastor preached from JOB 14:7, with the title "There is Hope for This Tree"
"At least there is hope for a tree:
If it is cut down, it will sprout again,
and its new shoots will not fail."
What a message!!! I had not heard Pastor Rios preach in a while already. It was awesome.

I thank God for this move that the Church Of Champions have made. Pastor Hutchins has been so generous in letting Iglesia De Campeones use the main sanctuary... the sound system... the powerpoint, the VIDEOCAMERAS! Are there any camera people out there? We need vounteers...
We need VOLUNTEERS! Help us reach the lost people.
We need unsaved people, singers, musicians, ushers, receptionists, sound technicians, video people... Hey, if you are not serving, you can help. Hehe.

I am excited. We are excited. What an awesome atmosphere we had.

From the countdown on the screen to Joel's music.
From the greeter's smile to the handshake of the Pastor.
From the wounded hearts to the filled altar of people.
From the fallen tree to its roots looking for water.
Are your roots looking for water?
Are you just a stump of a tree needing help?

Iglesia de Campeones is here!
To give you water.
To give you fertilizer.
To see you rise again.

I leave you with part of the scripture.
"If it is cut down, it will sprout again"