The new series for Starting Point that will start next week.
Ruthie designed it and I tell you, she is amazing.
Why do Christians make life so difficult? I was asking myself that question last night... and I am in process of studying that topic.
I plan on teaching for 4 weeks on "The Simple Journey of A Disciple"
It is shocking when you think of a person that loves Jesus and becomes involved in the church so much that sometimes they clutter themselves with so many things and they lose focus of what is really important.
Then they say that it's the devil that is attacking them.
Are we christinas more than disciples? (just a thought)
What is a true disciple?
We were called to walk woth him.
How do we walk in this journey?
We make it so difficult.
Can we make it simple?
Let's go back to the simple basics. My goal for this series is to get people to let go of all the junk and extra lugagge they carry so that their journey can be more simple. To let them know that they are Jesus' disciples and that they were called by Him and for Him, and no body else.
I feel Starting Point will be blessed.
Let's go back to the simple basics. My goal for this series is to get people to let go of all the junk and extra lugagge they carry so that their journey can be more simple. To let them know that they are Jesus' disciples and that they were called by Him and for Him, and no body else.
I feel Starting Point will be blessed.
It is a new season!
"The Simple Journey of a Disciple" will beging November 11!
"The Simple Journey of a Disciple" will beging November 11!
Pray for me.
Ruthie (my girlfriend) is helping me with the graphics and she is amazing!
Ruthie (my girlfriend) is helping me with the graphics and she is amazing!
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