I have gotten this habit that I cannot sleep on Saturdays! I just get so excited of what is going to happen on Sunday that I just lay awake thinking of the possible outcomes of the service.
Starting Point is one of the best things that has ever hapenned to me. It is an experience of a lifetime... and I am taking advantage of it! We concluded our series: "STOP INVITING PEOPLE TO CHURCH!"
WOW... is all I can say!
Starting Point had its fall festival on Friday and this today we saw the results.
We had about 10-15 more people in service today and it was ecstatic!
Whenever you come into a church and see 35 people that are still trying to have church and not giving up hope, I tell you... It excites me! We had about 50-60 people at church today and I believe that Jesus will grow His Church.
I got to meet some of the first time guests after the service and had the opportunity to visit with some of the families at the church. Wow! I get excited when I see the families that go to Starting Point... There is so much potential in that place is not even funny! Hehe.
The message was relevant... Everybody got excited to celebrate Jesus one more time and we hope that next week will be a better service with positve turn outs. Thank Jesus!
On the other hand, Iglesia de Campeones had awesome worship... and I believe that they believed the Word of God that was preached today.
It is awesome to be filling in for Pastor Rios while he is away.
Thank you for your prayers.
I am so tired and need some sleep... badly.
So, I have an amazing week waiting for me starting tomorrow.
I am teaching at Iglesia de Campeones on Tuesday and Preaching at Starting Point on Sunday!
I can't wait for next Sunday! God has been giving me a message that I think will set a new mentality in Starting Point...
Dont worry!
It's just God.
Remember... He was the one that said, "...and I will do a new thing."
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