I was at Ed Stetzer's blog catching up on some posts that he was writing and I came across an article that he wrote for Outreach Magazine...
Can I be transparent?
This is where I'm at.
I need to find a balance between these 2 forces...
Theology and Practical Evangelism.
Here is part of Ed's article:
"Theologically Preoccupied" vs. "Evangelistically Fixated"
Blogs seem to magnify an existing problem in the body of Christ: We don't do a very good job listening to and learning from one another.
It seems large numbers of the Theologically Preoccupied scowl across the pages of their study Bibles at the Evangelistically Fixated and accuse them of being culturally adrift--in some cases rightfully so. Many of the Evangelistically Fixated chuckle when they see books on evangelism written by many of the Theologically Preoccupied who sometimes consider the smallness of their churches a sign of their faithfulness.
Let me propose a different way: Learn from one another and take the best from one another's approaches. Theologically deep believers with a passion for those far from Christ--I want both."
Wow... I too, want both.
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1 comment:
There is only this discussion because of people value theological truth as "collectors." There are those who are theologically sound but do not only collect knowledge like it was a hobby. Ultimately, theology is supposed to be practiced. Theology is supposed to affect our worldview which in turn affect our life. Truth theology is practiced! So theological snobs need to rethink there actual view on theology if they are not pushing for growth.
On the other hand, those who focus exclusively on growth and leave theology to the supposed expert are equally wrong. Paul called on Timothy to "study to show theyself approved." Paul also says that an elder needs to "apt to teach." How can one teach unless he has learned? These people usually are usually very theologically shallow and are always looking for the next evangelistic hook. They leave theology soundness for the next big fad. These are the church leaders that say, "small groups, that's the answer to church growth," six months later, "gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous, that's the answer."
The answer. Follow Jesus Matt. 28:19-20 "Go ye into the world baptizing them... and teach them..." A true Christian leader will not just teach, why? There is a divine decree to "go." Therefore, theology will affect my life and how I live it. They will also study to "teach" for the same reason.
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