October 5, 2007


One of the fears that I had all my life was to be "lonely". It is ironic because sometimes, I love being alone. But it gets to a point where I want to have somebody that I can trust and talk to... I had always feared staying by myself. Even though I had some friends, I knew that one day they would go on with their own lives. I always feared being stuck in life, feeling lonely.

The way that I received help in this area was to confide in God's love. If I could feel God's love and I could love others, I would be allright. Even though the people that I once loved and spent time with... left me, I would keep making new relationships and love again.

1 John 4:18
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear..."

I give thanks to God for a very special person that God put on my life. Ruthie, my girlfriend. What an awesome girl she is. She is my world. She helps me in this area... I love her deeply.

There are other people that I love... and I thank God for them too.

What I encourage you not to forget though, is that "perfect love".
The only love that can help you abolish all fear is the "perfect love". That is what the Scripture says. And that perfect love can only come by having a relationship with Jesus. If you have a relatioship with Jesus, every fear that you have ever had will be wiped out. Fear of the dark? Fear of loneliness? Fear of making mistakes? Fear of anything? Just receive that "perfect love" from Jssus, because where there is love, there is no fear.

I leave you with the words that Jesus told his disciples.

Matthew 10:31
"So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."

It does not matter who you are... you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Do not fear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey tony balloni!

so, this is totally not within the subject but I have a question that I need some assistance to. Well, help. You see, here where I work there are 2 Apostolic chicks and they dont believe in dancing (like in church) because it's not in the spirit and because David didn't dance in the church, he danced on the way to church or something like that. That dancing isn't from God because it's your flesh moving to a beat. I've been searching through the Bible but I cant find anything to contradict that. The only thing that came to mind is that one "cambio mi lamento en baile" but i didn't tell them that because I wasn't too sure it was in the bible, or just in that song. Can you help me come up with some verses please, please, please?!!!