October 1, 2007


Pastor Rios is going through an 8 week series dealing with Fear and how to be free from it. I can't wait to learn some things. But for the next few days, maybe this whole week, I want to be transparent and write about some fears that I have. Can I be honest with you? No. Really?

I will write about what I fear and the strategy that I use to defeat that fear. I hope you can benefit from this.


People have expectations from you. Your family expects things, your friends. Even your church expects you to know things. Sometimes, I expect to know a couple of things for myself... and I learn. I read like crazy. I study people. I watch and observe. I want to know. It is an instinct. Sometimes, people come and ask me questions concerning the Bible. I give them an honest answer. BUT... Sometimes I just don't know! Hehe.
Really. Sometimes, when people have asked me things that I expect myself to know how to explain, and I cannot answer them, I fear that everything else that I have said before will be doubted. When I see a person in pain and cannot answer them when they ask, "Why?" I fear that I am not living up to myself. I fear when a person comes up and asks me a question that I have to know, because I have been in church all my life, and according to everybody, "I need to know."

So how do I cope...? Not really cope, but overcome this fear? Well the scripture says in John 24:17
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as
the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled,
nor let it be fearful. "
I overcome when I stay calm and don't let the pressure get to me.
When someone challenges me with a question that expects a very good answer, I rely on God's peace to come into my heart and I keep calm... and let them know I will get back with the with an answer.
When someone faces a crisis in their life an questions God and comes to me just asking , "Why this...?" and, "Why that..?"I can only rely on God's peace to say the "right" things and be confident that God has everything under control.

There is a saying that someone said. I don't remember who. He said:
"This world is lost. It needs a Pastor."
It does not need more educated doctors and good technologies. It does not need more money and luxuries. It needs a Pastor. A pastor that is just as human as the people he serves , but is hearing God's voice at all times. A pastor that whenever faced with fears he can rely on God to answer even the toughest question. A Pastor that stands with God's people in times of Need, Recovery and Victory. A pastor that fears, but fears (relies) God more.

I pray to be like that.
Even if I do not know everything. I want to have the peace in my life and be conficent that God really is Omniscient and that He knows ALL things.

I realize this: I will always fear not knowing everything. I will NEVER know everything, but I also know this... that if Jesus gives me the peace and confidence that He only can give, I will be able to withstand any expectation.
Come back tomorrow to hear about my next fear.

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