November 25, 2007


As you all know... it has been a pleasure to be at Starting Point Church every Sunday to help out in the pulpit, preaching.

These last 2 1/2 months have served me as an awesome experience.
Today, we went into our 3rd teaching with the title, "A Disciple Of Jesus Breaks Bread."
Hopefully, next week will be the econclusion of our series, "The Simple Journey Of A Disciple."
It has been great.

We will be talking about evangelizing... going out and telling others about Jesus.
It will be awesome.

I am so glad that I have helped Starting Point as a preacher. I'm looking forward to continue helping. I believe that there are people at the church that have a huge potential and can do something in their community.

I am excited.
Please pray for me.
I will be meeting with the leadership of Church of Champions. They have taken an interest in the gift that God has given me and I hope that I can use it for his glory.
I don't know in what way I will be helping them out, but I look forward to hearing them out and making a good decision.
Please pray for me.

Either it be helping Starting Point's pulpit for a couple of more weeks or just using me to help somewhere else, I am willing to listen to them and looking for what is ahead in 2008.
Then, I will amke a wise decision.
I ask for you prayers.

I am glad that Jesus still does miracles.
I am glad that Jesus is still showing up at Starting Point.

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